Sandstone Classroom This Week

It is the middle of the month and we cannot believe how fast summer is going in Sandstone! We have started the summer off by exploring transformation in nature with gardening. As we have observed workers around the centre, our exploration of transformation has now shifted to construction. We have been asking questions at morning…

Shale Classroom This Week

This week in Shale we are exploring movement with our bodies. The children have been exploring what body parts they can move, where they can move and what directions. We have noticed the children’s favorite is the direction in and out, they move their bodies in and out of the tables and things in and…

Jasper Classroom This Week

We have started to round up our ‘Art Through Life’ idea this week in Jasper Room. We painted with condensed milk and the children liked painting with the bright colours. We also did a Jasper room painting, but we only used natural supplies (pinecones, leaves, sticks, grass, etc) as paintbrushes. On Tuesday, teacher Sarah made…

This Week In Sandstone

This week in Sandstone we have continued on with our exploration of change and transformation, we’ve discovered new ways of discovering transformation by using construction and building. We set up our own marble towers and figured out different ways to make the marble roll in different directions, it was lots of fun to knock the…

This Week in Jasper

This week in Jasper room, we welcomed teacher Alix back from surgery and teacher Sarah back from her holidays! We had a scorcher of a week, so to keep cool; we made our very own waterpark in our back yard. We had a pool, a slip-and-slide, a sprinkler, and a homemade water bed! We had…

This Week In Shale

This week shale explored the great outdoors! We experienced two new places together after our stroller rides. On Monday we were able to play at the park! It was so much fun to get our toes in the sand and climb the climbers. Shale also explored the huge open field where we ran freely, released…

This Week In Quartz

This week has been an exciting one! The children have been so engaged! The children have continued our exploration of construction with the introduction to blue prints, and creating our own. The children have also constructed our own cars with corks, pipe cleaners and wooden spools. They have also created their own construction site in…

This week in Shale

This week in Shale: This week was a little different for shale room! The beginning of the week wasn’t as hot as it has been and we experienced a new weather experience. Shale room enjoyed the rainy weather outside watching as the rain splattered on our windows and the so many changing patterns of the…

This week in Quartz

What a week! Hope you all enjoyed you’re Canada day! The children in Quartz have been such discoverers and builders. We are continuing the exploration of construction with the addition of our new tools! The children have been utilizing the tools to explore “fixing” shelves, tables, blocks, etc. as well as “building” towers and houses.…