Quartz Classroom this week

              This week in Quartz room we have finished out our water play and started a new interest, we have started focusing on light and shadow play! We noticed the children really enjoyed trying to find and crawl in the smallest and darkest spaces within the room, so we discussed it as a room and…

Quartz Classroom This Week

This week in Quartz room we have been doing a lot of sensory exploring, first we played in the orange colored water with funnels, tubes and big eye droppers! We got very wet and messy, very quickly. We than decided we wanted to do some painting, so we laid a giant piece of paper on…

Shale Classroom This Week

Hello All! This week in Shale, children were exploring In and Out! We took balls and toys  and took them in and out of boxes, squeezed suds out of sponges, Sang Open them Shut them, and wrote mail and took it in and out of a mail box. We also painted, did lots of coloring…

Sandstone Classroom This Week

  We continued our study of self; we have focused on our hands and what they can do for us. We have also discovered that our hands are unique, just like us! We painted our hands so that we could see the different patterns on the palms of our hands. We have also begun to…

Jasper Classroom This Week

Its been another great week in Jasper Room of exploring those teeny tiny creatures; BUGS! We let our second batch of butterflies go on Wednesday. It took us a while to get them out of the net, but once they did, they flew away beautifully. The children continued to make bugs through their drawings and…


We would just like to thank all the families who made it to the family summer fun night! You made it an extremely fun and exciting night! We are extremely happy with the family we have created with Primrose and the broader community! THANKS!

Jasper Classroom This Week

Primrose kicked off our week this week with a summer family BBQ! The Jasper children talked all day about how excited they were to go to the community center and celebrate summer with friends and family. We had face painting, piñatas, canvas painting, picture booths and lots of delicious food! Tuesday morning the children were…

Sandstone Classroom This Week

This week in Sandstone room we have been continuing our exploration of transformation. We have another batch of caterpillars that are in their chrysalises and they should be coming out as butterflies sometime next week. We have switched our focus from plants and how they grow and change and now we are looking at ourselves.…